You need a BOPB Wallet to store BOPB tokens. Here's how to get started.
Download BOPB Wallet from Here :
(Currently available only on Android)
Set up your wallet by following the prompts to create or import one.
Once the BIOPOP Wallet is installed, open the app to begin setting up your wallet.
Read through the terms of service, then tap “Confirm” to accept the agreement.
After accepting the terms of service, proceed to give consent for the collection of personal information.
Tap the “Import Wallet Seed” button to import an existing wallet.
Enter the wallet seed key you set up when creating the wallet.
Once the seed key is entered correctly, you’ll see the existing wallet’s dashboard.
Tap “Generate wallet seed” to begin creating the wallet.
Create a 6-digit PIN.
Securely back up the 12 seed keys. If these are lost, the wallet cannot be recovered.
After creating the wallet, you can view your BOPB tokens and transaction history on the dashboard.
Tapping the “Receive Tokens” button generates a QR code and wallet address. By sharing the QR code or sending the wallet address, you can receive tokens from others.
Tap the “Send Tokens” button to select the type of token you want to send.
Enter the quantity of tokens to send. Tapping the “MAX” button will automatically input all available tokens.
Input the wallet address of the recipient who will receive the tokens.
Review the transaction fee, then tap the “Send Tokens” button. The fee will be calculated automatically.
Enter the 6-digit PIN you set up during wallet creation.
After entering the PIN and completing the transfer, you can view the amount sent, transaction fee, and transaction ID.